Thursday, February 3, 2011

Un je ne sais quoi:

There's Something about Frenchmen

As much as I would like to think of my Parisian romance as unique, I know without a doubt I am a walking cliché. American girl has a chance meeting with a sexy Frenchman. They have an amazing night together, and then VOILA, they're in love! Well, it’s not quite as simple as that, but you get the idea. Even my idea for this blog isn't original, as I've seen a number of other bloggers with similar bylines. With all the romantic stories of girls falling in love with Frenchmen, you gotta wonder what’s their secret. What is their “je ne sais quoi”?

Getting comfortable in Paris meant I had to make friends. So I did what any New Yorker does best, I networked. I went on expat sites, chatted with girls at my language school, and before I knew it, I was connecting with girls in much of the same position as me. I’ve met girls from all over; America, Brazil, China, Japan, Holland, Russia and of course France. Except for a few, nearly all are living in Paris for one reason, l’amour. Regardless of where we come from, we all share commonalities. We are living in this foreign land, coping with all its quirks and kinks to be with our sometimes infuriating Frenchman who somehow looks irresistible no matter what he's doing!

Yes, a Frenchman can be spontaneous, romantic, charming, passionate and incredibly complicated. Add to that the natural sensuality of France and you can only begin to understand the innate sense of seduction every Frenchman emits. But unlike the stereotype, they are amazingly exclusive. I remember friends in the States being concerned about my love affair because everyone knows “Frenchmen are NOT faithful”. However from my experience, Frenchmen aren’t any more deceitful in matters of the heart than American men. In fact, loyalty and honor are MORE important to the French than Americans. A written contract is a requirement in the States for any legitimate promise. But for the French, your word is your bond. Sure the French are more “open” and not stuck on conservative or religious ideals like some Americans. I don’t doubt that loads of French men and women cheat on their spouses. But, I can confidently say after years of bartending in New York City and witnessing married men regularly remove their wedding bands while others conveniently forgot they had a live in girl-friend, a Frenchman is surprisingly monogamous. Okay, maybe that monogamy only lasts a couple of weeks or a month, but it keeps until your love affair is over.

When Americans first start dating, they aren’t considered “exclusive” until it’s discussed. But for the French, it’s assumed you are monogamous and faithful until otherwise stated. To a Frenchman this explanation sounds VERY “unsexy". But as an American, I have to strongly disagree. I can’t speak for the other girls who have left their native land just to be with their French boy-friend, fiancé or husband, though there is obviously more to be discovered beyond my reasoning, but I can definitely say that exclusivity, honor and loyalty are VERY sexy. As for the rest, well that’s just icing on an already deliciously decadent cake.

Á Bientôt


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