Monday, October 4, 2010

CHANGE Prologue

It’s been awhile since I’ve added commentary to my blog. In that time, lots of thoughts and ideas have been spinning on that little hamster wheel in my head. Not to mention all the travels, challenges & changes I have experienced over the last 4 months. I hesitate to say, “I’ve grown”, both literally and figuratively, but in many ways, I have. (Did I mention I gained 25 lbs. in my first 3 months here & managed to lose all but 10 in the second 3 months?) Anyway, with every passing day, I watch as others around me go through changes in life. It seems more and more, my friends are getting married, having babies OR having babies, THEN getting married. I see changes in my body, the seasons, my loved one’s and the world with a new pair of eyes. Leaving the Big Apple for Paris has aloud me the time to really grasp all these things happening to me and around me. With the spirit of “change”, I’m dedicating these next few blogs to my observations and new tales of city and not so city life, love and the pursuit of happy change. Feel free to comment. =) Hope you enjoy!